
Rempex Auction House, Warsaw
10.07 – 21.08/2024

“This year’s edition of the Salon will be exceptional. In addition to the traditional exhibition, which will feature works by, among others, Wojciech Weiss, Józef Brandt, Witkacy, Wojciech Kossak, Władysław Hasior, Bogusław Szwacz, Andrzej Gieraga, Jerzy Duda-Gracz, Stanisław Baj, Jan Dobkowski, and artists of the young generation: Bartosz Kokosiński, Paul Voc, Waleria Matelska, and Sara Ilia, we will present the work of one of the leading Polish artists, the “bad girl” of the Polish neo-avant-garde – NATALIA LL.”

Rempex Auction House

Poster: Rempex Auction House

Rempex Auction House, Warsaw
28.12-2023 – 24.01/2024

Winter Art Salon, the so-called SILENT SELLING has already become a tradition at the REMPEX Auction House. It is a special presentation of ancient and contemporary art …”

Rempex Auction House


Poster: Rempex Auction House

Rempex Auction House, Warsaw
10.07 – 25.08/2023

This event is a real treat for all painting enthusiasts who want to discover new worlds and experience the emotions that art can provide us.

Rempex Auction House

Poster: Rempex Auction House

National Museum in Warsaw

The charity auction “grain of ART – garden of HOPE” is a cyclical event organized on behalf of the “Garden of Hope” Psycho-oncology and Health Promotion Foundation, which supports people with cancer. The 21st edition of the auction took place at the National Museum in Warsaw.

Phot.: Jan Barański

Gallery of Katarzyna Napiorkowska in Brussels

“… Her work often refers to important values – such as the sense of solidarity, community and brotherhood. The paintings take on a special meaning given the current situation in the artist’s home country. The Katarzyna Napiórkowska Art Gallery presents the artist’s first solo exhibition in Brussels.”

Katarzyna Napiorkowska Gallery

Phot.: Katarzyna Napiorkowska Gallery

AUTONOMIA Gallery, Warsaw
29.10 – 11.11/2018

Furies – in Roman mythology they are goddesses of revenge, demons of the underground world. Strong attack of anger is also called fury. Like any intense feeling, it tones and changes the image of perceived reality. Fury is a state of twilight of consciousness. At twilight the silhouettes of people and things deform, becoming something completely different. Then in the depths of our subconscious our minds can get lost. Where is the lighthouse showing the way during the storm?

Stanisław Staszic Public Library in the Bielany District in Warsaw
19.06 – 31.07/2018

As Erich Fromm wrote in his book The Art of Loving, there has always been one question in all cultures of the world: how to overcome separation, how to get rid of loneliness? Man is aware of himself as a separate being, aware of the passing of his own life and the life of his neighbor, the fact that he was not born of his own free will and will die against his will – all of this makes man aware of his helplessness before the forces of nature and society. Love is the answer to the above-mentioned problem of human existence. A loving person leaves the prison of loneliness , narcissism and egocentrism.

Poster: Justyna Eberle

Phot.: Ksenia Gryckiewicz